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Venetian mirrors

Venetian wall mirrors

Venetian mirrors are a special type of mirrors that originated in Italy. During 16th century, the city of Venice, which was famous for its glass making expertise, became a centre for mirror manufacturing using special techniques. That led to the birth of the Venetian glass mirror.

Each piece is hand etched, cut, often bevelled mirror, and polished. Crafted Venetian glass mirrors is an object of art. Venetian mirrors and are elegant as well as expensive. Venetian glass mirrors can enhance the ambiance surrounding it. Venetian mirrors are made up of long lines and sweeping arches. The polished edges and mirrored borders are heavenly and pristine. They're available in a variety of shapes, including rectangular mirrors, oval mirrors and round mirror. Some even have delicate etching around the glass' perimeter.

All that's needed is a love for beautiful craftsmanship and one of these lovely deco mirrors in our home.

A Venetian glass mirror are well loved for their attention to detail without ever becoming unbalanced or gaudy. One of these timeless pieces will look lovely gracing the wall of any bedroom, bathroom or formal room. Besides making a lovely bedroom mirror, funky designs are also available.

Venetian mirrors offer another wonderful quality. They possess the ability to stand alone as a wall mirror. Their beauty does not require accents or accessories. A Venetian wall mirror will look stylish in any room and become a beautiful focal point for all to enjoy

Regular price £175.00
Regular price £125.00